Event Logo Image

The 8th Annual LBF Birdies for Brain Cancer Golf Tournamnet


Thursday, May 22

Argyle Country Club

Silver Spring, Maryland


Thank you to our Golf Event Chairs

Nick DeSarno & Sean Keegan


Tournament Highlights: 

Incredible LBF Swag

Lunch from Five Guys Burgers & Fries

Hole-in-One Contest

AR-15 Ball Launcher is back for another year of fun

Post-Tournament Reception & Presentation of the Yellow Jackets


Event Day Schedule:

  8:45-9:45 am - Breakfast and Registration

  9:45 am - Program

10:00 am - Shotgun Start 

12:00 pm - Lunch from our friends at Five Guys Burgers & Fries

  3:30 pm - Reception 

6:00 pm - After Party at TBD Location


Event Image

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Reception Sponsor

Afterparty Sponsor

Cup Disc Sponsor

Koozie Sponsor

Mission Sponsors

Giveaway Sponsor

Aim to End Brain Cancer Sponsor

Golf Cart Sponsor

Fellowship Fund Sponsor

Putting Green Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor

Bag Drop Sponsor

Beverage Cart Sponsor

Score Card Sponsor

Hole-in-One Sponsor


Raffle Sponsor

Hero Sponsors

Hole Sponsors